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Glove-puppet show is getting rare in Melaka. It used to be popular about 4 to 5 decades ago. Now this art still exist but in small scale.
Puppet show has its beginning in China. Zhangzhou.

If you've got a chance, see a glove-puppet show when you travel to Melaka. If it is the first time you see it, then you may not be able to note its differences today and yesteryear.

This Chinese glove-puppet opera show is presenting a show in a Chinese temple on Parameswara Road. At Ong Ya Kong, this temple is famous for its Wangkang Festival.

The show for that night is about a man who is looking for a wife. You can watch this man in the YouTube above.

A filial man, he said that he must get an understanding wife. In Chinese Hokkien dialect, he said, "He would not like to be in a situation whereby he will later after marriage feed his wife fat and let his mother skinny."
