Teacher & Knowledge

The entire history of teaching or the imparting of knowledge by means of lessons has been a matter of discussion, study and acceptance or rejection. Methods are master of teachers.

The lessons taught could be classified into the inductive method and the deductive method.

After lessons, pupils are tested to identify their achievements and progress so that schemes for review is available for adjustment to tailor to their needs.

Drilling constantly by some useful methods employed by teachers is essential to the pupils abilities to recognize new knowledge. Thus, the progress in the career of the student is made by addition of new knowledge. Varying from comments to lectures, the pupils acquire new knowledges until he learn to tell what he knows to some one else. Then, the question and answer period help students to ripen their judgement and form correct conclusions.

The thought of the pupils are stimulated to encourage them in freedom of expression and to convert such opportunities as strength so that they could develop the mastery of the subject independently.

Knowledge is an important commodity and knowledge will be.

Happy Teacher Day.
