Pregnancy is the period from the time of conception to the birth of the child. The average duration of this period is 280 days, reckoned from the first day of the last menstrual period.

For many married couples, having children is something that they believe in and something they've always wanted. Childless couples are usually very patience people who would seek ways to having children. However, many women often feel like failures and when the men think that there isn't fun anymore or they feel like they're sperm on demand. On the reverse, many men also often feel like failures and when the women think that there isn't fun anymore or they feel like they're eggs on demand.


The Chinese believe there is a place they could seek to having children. One of the places is at Lee Sian Neo Neo Temple, Jonker Walk, Melaka. This temple is founded by the late Chan Say Peng some time within the Summer of the 10th year of Guangxu Dynasty around 1884.

The Temple dedicated to the Deity Xian Su Yah was erected by the late Chan Say Peng as a gift by him to the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple, and to the people of Malacca.

The Standing Committee of the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple, Inc in the year 2008 plated their appreaciation and thanks to the Trustees of the Estate of Chan Say Peng for their effort and time taken in honouring their wishes of their ancestor.

 马六甲鸡场街118号,邮区号码75200 已Chan Say Peng 先生创设(光绪十年夏)-1884年
此供奉座仙师爷的寺庙乃已故Chan Say Peng 所创建并献于清云亭及马六甲居民。

我们非常感谢已故 Chen Say Peng 先生的产业信托人作出巨大努力最终落实了他们的遗愿。


I was briefed that at this place, you could seek to your wishes of having a boy baby or a girl baby.
At Jonker Walk, there are many things.
